Strata Lawyer & Strata By Laws Sydney        02 8324 7565       

Strata By-Law Traps for the Unwary

Strata By-law Traps For The Unwary Strata by laws are the common set of rules for a strata scheme which all lot owners in a strata scheme implicitly agree to abide by when they purchase a lot in a strata scheme. They are not laws in the sense that legislation from a...

NCAT Strata Adjudications

NCAT Strata Adjudications There are a wide range of disputes which can arise in strata schemes. Most disputes arise between owners. However, there are cases where disputes arise between owners and the owners corporation over lack of maintenance and repair issues,...

Recovering Bad Debts

Recovering Bad Debts Most small business owners work very hard to provide their goods and services to others and are passionate about their product or service they have to offer. Unfortunately, it is amazing how many small businesses put the issue of getting paid on...

Strata Management Statements

Strata Management Statements A Strata Management Statement (SMS) is an individually drafted document governed in New South Wales under the Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Act 1973 and is used to regulate the relationship between individual owners corporations...

Defamation in strata schemes

Defamation in strata schemes As with anything else in life, living in strata has its advantages and it’s disadvantages. I’m often surprised at what people say about others and their lack of concern about defamation. Executive committee members have often...