Strata Lawyer & Strata By Laws Sydney        02 8324 7565       


Consumer Claims in NCAT

What Is A Consumer Claim? A consumer claim is defined under section 3A of the Consumer Claims Act 1998 (“CC Act”) and, for the purposes of the CC Act, it is: (a) a claim by a consumer for the payment of a specified sum of money, or (b) a claim by a consumer for the...

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Neighbour Disputes Over Water Damage – What Can I Do?

The flow of surface water, water leakage, run-off damage and overflow from an adjoining property's drains, sewers or burst pipes can be a source of dispute between adjoining land owners including a health and safety risk. Disputes between neighbours over water run-off...

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Supreme Court Declares By-Laws To Be Invalid

Noon v The Owners - Strata Plan No. 22422 [2014] NSWSC 1260 (16 September 2014) A recent Supreme Court of NSW decision is an important warning for owners corporations not to take short cuts when making by-laws otherwise they run the risk of court proceedings by future...

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Online Strata By-Law Application Form

You spoke. We listened. We are the 1st strata law firm to offer an Online Strata By-Law Application Form on our website which provides our clients and potential clients a more user friendly experience in completing by-law requests.

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Solicitors Attending EGM’s On Behalf Of Their Clients

There has been some controversy recently regarding whether or not an executive committee or chairperson are within their rights to disallow a solicitor, who is acting on behalf of their client lot owner(s) and is present at a general meeting of the owners corporation...

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Fixed Fee Strata Adjudications

Fixed Fee Strata Adjudications At Pobi Lawyers, we know that lot owners and owners corporations want an experienced strata lawyer who is flexible, accessible, offers budget certainty, value for money and an efficient means of assisting them in resolving their strata...

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Can A Strata Scheme Be Wound Up In Insolvency?

Can A Strata Scheme Be Wound Up In Insolvency? We have received some recent enquiries from lot owners in strata schemes seeking advice in relation to whether or not an owners corporation (strata scheme) can be wound up in insolvency by a Court. The starting point is...

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