Strata Lawyer & Strata By Laws Sydney        02 8324 7565       


How Do I Terminate A Strata Scheme?

How Do I Terminate A Strata Scheme? Introduction The issue of terminating a strata scheme has been the subject of debate for many years. In fact, there are many strata schemes throughout New South Wales which have truly passed their expiry date, or are fast...

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Strata Lawyer Sydney

What is a Strata Lawyer? A strata lawyer is a lawyer who specialises in strata and community title law and assists lot owners, owners corporations, executive committees, building managers, strata managers with legal issues that arise in relation to strata schemes....

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Easement disputes, section 88K and strata law

  Easement disputes and strata law | Section 88K of the Conveyancing Act 1919 applications | Supreme Court of NSW's power to grant easement under section 88K | What is an owners corporation's rights in NSW? In New South Wales, section 88K of the Conveyancing Act 1919...

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How are Strata By-Laws Created?

How are Strata By-Laws Created? An owners corporation of a strata scheme can repeal and/or amend existing strata by-laws or create new strata by-laws. Most strata by-laws can be repealed, amended or created by special resolution passed at a general meeting of the...

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Strata By-Laws Audit & Upgrade by Pobi Lawyers

Strata By-Laws Audit & Upgrade by Pobi Lawyers The by-laws of a strata scheme are a set of laws adopted by an owners corporation which govern the behaviour and the use of common property by residents, regulate noise, parking on common property, the keeping of animals,...

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Noise in Strata Schemes

    Noise in Strata Schemes Residential strata schemes in New South Wales have model by-laws dealing with noise, flooring and the behaviour of owners, occupiers and visitors. Noise in residential strata schemes appears to be on the rise due to the advent of, and...

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Strata By-Law Traps for the Unwary

Strata By-law Traps For The Unwary Strata by laws are the common set of rules for a strata scheme which all lot owners in a strata scheme implicitly agree to abide by when they purchase a lot in a strata scheme. They are not laws in the sense that legislation from a...

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NCAT Strata Adjudications

NCAT Strata Adjudications There are a wide range of disputes which can arise in strata schemes. Most disputes arise between owners. However, there are cases where disputes arise between owners and the owners corporation over lack of maintenance and repair issues,...

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