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The NSW Government is seeking public feedback on the drafting of the Community Land Management Bill 2019 and the Community Land Development Bill 2019. The draft bills propose a complete rewrite of the community title schemes laws. The draft bills are aligned with the major 2015 strata scheme reforms, make community land development legislation more flexible and incorporate feedback from the implementation of the strata laws.

Feedback is sought on the drafting of both bills and whether they give effect to the proposed reforms announced in the 2014 Community Schemes Law Reform Position Paper without any unintended consequences.

Key measures in the draft bills include:

• improving transparency and accountability in the way schemes are managed
• providing greater flexibility to deal with association property
• simplifying dispute resolution within schemes
• reducing red tape by targeting the documents needed to be lodged with a plan, and
• encouraging greater participation of scheme members, owners and tenants, including through the use of technology.

The consultation will close on 28 February 2020. Details on how to make a submission are available on the NSW Fair Trading’s website.

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